Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2011 Chef’s Survey Tea is in

QSR asks the industry’s leaders to share insights on the segment’s hottest menu trends.  “We see big potential in tea. From a culinary perspective, tea is a great vessel to transport different flavor profiles.”
 Chef Chris Kline, Sara Lee Foodservice
This is exciting news for someone that will be opening a teahouse shortly.  Reading predictions for the year is interesting to me because some come true though it may take a few years and some seem to flop and fade away.  Here's hoping that tea becomes more then a trend and that it lasts awhile.  I also noticed other areas I may focus on that are becoming fashionable, which excites me too.
remember before the recession tea was hot and on many lists, then the recession happened and it fell out of favor.  I was hoping it would resurge when the economy got better.  So far it is looking good and that it might.
Do you remember any trends that were up in coming but never lived up to the hype?  Any trends you believed that would not happen and went well or had lasting power (became more then just a trend)?  

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